Key Subject: English
ELA Standards:
- Language Arts common core standard of Reading Literature CCS.ELA-Literacy. RL.7.7 Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film).
- Information and Technology 7.SE.1-Apply responsible behaviors when using information and technology resources.
----The Boy Who Lived
Previewing-read the first chapter of Harry Potter (This can be done as a homework assignment and then direct the students to focus their attention in on the dialogue section listed below.)'s_scar_burning.JPG |
-during class direct students to look at the dialogue between Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and ask students to pay attention to all of the information that is revealed during the dialogue within the book
-ask students to pay attention to the setting and the sequence of events that we see in the film.
-ask students to think about in what ways the opening of the movie compares to the opening of the book.
-suggest that the students jot down notes about what they see
Show the clip starting at the very beginning through when the title sequence first starts.
-end clip at 0:04:00
Post viewing activities
Activity 1-The Professors Talk About the Boy Who Lived
-How does the dialogue between Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall compare between the book and the film? For the differences, can you explain why the director made the movie in this way when the book was already there to map out the story?
- Does the lack of verbally communicated information in the opening of the movie have any effect on what you expect out of the movie? Is there a specific mood or tone that is created by the lack of information within this dialogue? If so, please explain. How is this “missing” background information given to us in some other format such as visual components?
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*If you plan to eventually view the entire movie with your students by piecing it together, then you could use this small assignment to help them see how a movie will sometimes hold important information back in order to grab our attention and maintain it.
-Have students make a list of the key information provided by the book that the movie does not tell us. An example of one key point is that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is dead. It is mentioned in the book, but in the movie we as an audience have no idea that there is even such a person. Have students hold onto this list until later. They can add t o it as they read and view the movie. After they have viewed the film, ask them to look back at it and see if the film has given us that missing information through a different scene in the film. Why would the film hold back information? Could it simply be to save time on a long movie, or could there be more reasoning behind this decision by the director and producer?
----The Dursley’s
Previewing-read the first chapter of Harry Potter-ask students to think about how the book describes the Dursley’s
Show the clip starting at the very beginning through when the title sequence first starts.
-start clip-
-end clip-
Post viewing activities-
Activity 1-The Dursleys
-The book opens with an in depth look at Mr. Dursley’s life as we follow him throughout his day while he makes several strange observations. What do you think was the purpose of including this in the book? Why do you think it was not included in the film? Is the “missing” information given to us in some other way?
-Have the students break up into groups and create a venn diagram that compares the book’s description of The Dursley’s with the movie’s description of The Dursley’s. Have each group take a different member of the Dursley family.
Platform 9 ¾
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pg 131-platform 9 ¾-doesn’t ask guard
pg 133-exactly the same with twins going throughto the gate
Why would the one section be the same and the other be different? Internal thoughts difficult to show on movie? Showing strengths of different mediums
Post viewing Activities:
Activity 1
Activity 1
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